Booker from aum72 not working anymore.

Posted By: paracharlie

Booker from aum72 not working anymore. - 06/28/10 05:50

I was going to make an app based on Booker from aum 72 for adding items to my rpg. I thought it would make a great template for creating a developer app. When I tried using it today I nothiced that it no longer works with a7. I messed around with it today and tried a few things but couldnt get it to work. I believe there is maybe an empty pointer being created, from what I have encountered.
Was wondering George or anyone else if you have a little bit of free time if you could take a look at it and see what may be the problem with it? I think some pre defines have changed in the way they are handled and that is probably why it is not working. I would appreciate any help, because this was a great little utility and would hate to have to start over from scratch.
Posted By: George

Re: Booker from aum72 not working anymore. - 07/01/10 09:22

What error message are you seeing?
Posted By: paracharlie

Re: Booker from aum72 not working anymore. - 07/01/10 14:36

The database items arent visible in results screen and when I published it, I did get empty pointer messages and can not load database.txt file. I used error() after items.txt and database.txt and the files are loading but dont appear to be working after that.
Posted By: George

Re: Booker from aum72 not working anymore. - 07/06/10 07:56

Are the txt files present in your published folder? Does the project work before publishing it, when you run it from within Wed?
Posted By: paracharlie

Re: Booker from aum72 not working anymore. - 07/14/10 01:25

Txt files are present, and the whole problem is that the text is not displayed on results screen. So its either not reading from text files correctly or not displaying text correctly. I run it from SED. Same problem before publish and after publish.
Posted By: paracharlie

Re: Booker from aum72 not working anymore. - 08/10/10 14:08

Is it working ok for you?
Posted By: George

Re: Booker from aum72 not working anymore. - 08/12/10 10:41

I'll look into it. If it doesn't work, I'll try to post a solution in Aum95's faq.
Posted By: paracharlie

Re: Booker from aum72 not working anymore. - 08/14/10 04:46

Thanks for taking time to do that George. Its a great little program that could be modified for something even better. It use to work for me with early versions of a7 then stopped working working with later versions and still not with a8. I think it has something to do with draw_text but I havent been able to figure out what.
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