Models by Az

Posted By: bupaje

Models by Az - 07/27/05 08:49

Hi. Some of you may remember Az from DarkCreations -he had been working on a very promising project called Josef's Tear. He had given me permission to host a collection of mdl's a few years ago. Some time after I gave up my old site he lost his files and so they haven't been available. I started going through my backups today and found most of the collection.

The models were divided into categories with different licensing restrictions for each. I am only posting models listed as free to use in personal and commercial games. I may eventually post the other categories but have to do research first.

Here is the first batch. I dug out all the plants and one set of books. He did these at various times over a few years so some are better than others. I can't program in PHP so haven't been able to modify the site CMS enough to save the file descriptions and images in the database so you'll have to open them to decide if you like them.

If you do use them then please recognize Az from these forums (I don't even know his real name). No credit to me is needed, this was all Az's work.

As for help I mentioned ... if any of the more competent modelers/skinners improve, or add new skins (or even add to the collection) I'll be glad to host them as I'd like to see the collection updated. I also have at least one pack of potted plants where Az made models but used commercial textures when he was learning. I can't post these with those textures but if someone with proven modeling experience wants to look at them, tweak them and add original skins so we can add them to the downloads just PM me.

I am going to keep on trying to contact Az so I can post these free use ones to Acknex to make sure they remain available. I expect there may be anywhere from 25-35 additional free use models after I go through all the folders and I'll be adding them over the next few days as I have a chance to verify the licensing based on his original instructions.
Posted By: immersionfx

Re: Models by Az - 07/27/05 12:31

I've only checked some of these models and I think they are awesome!
A very handy contribution indeed.

Thank you bupaje (thank you Az )
I'll be looking often at your site in hope for... more!
Posted By: Nadester

Re: Models by Az - 07/27/05 14:59

Good deal. Burt, you by any chance no what happened with Az? A few months back (or maybe more, I don't remember) one of his partners posted saying he had run into some issues, and most of JT was lost - but he mentioned something about him coming back maybe. Oh well... Thanks for putting these up, and thanks Az!
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 07/27/05 19:48

@Nadester - That was the same last news I had but haven't heard back from him since. Going to fire off some mail again this week.
Posted By: Guardian

Re: Models by Az - 07/27/05 20:17

Josef's Tear was probably the best looking game put together with 3dgamestudio. I have some old shots of some of the building models it would be great to see what resources others might have of Az's even just to look at it is inspiring. I'm sure these models will be well appreciated.

Good luck with your project bupaje.

Posted By: nunofontoura

Re: Models by Az - 07/29/05 23:06


Do you know how to make those alpha channel textures in Az models? I was trying to change the colours but I couldn't do it.

Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 07/29/05 23:47

@Guardian - I agree. I was working with him for a little while and so he sent me screenshots of the city -and untextured top view- and it was massive and well detailed. He also had been experimenting with rolling clouds and fog banks and other weather effects, had some 'closed' house with open windows that you could see people engaged in various daily activities rather than many rpg people are just standing waiting for you to talk to them. Lots of awesome scenes and effects ...

@nunofontoura - I'm not the guy to ask on that. I had poor results with alpha transparency (maybe cause PSP has 24bit tga?) but you might ask Loopix as I see his plant sprites look perfect.
Posted By: nunofontoura

Re: Models by Az - 07/30/05 03:42

Thanks, bupaje. I'll do it.
Posted By: FBL

Re: Models by Az - 07/30/05 11:47

Az was hit by the Tsunami afaik, but everything was fine.

The bad thing was, that someone boke into his house and took away all the electronical stuff...

You should tell Az that you have found a backup of all the models. He probably doesn't even know that they are NOT lost after all. That might make him very happy.
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 07/30/05 18:46

I had told Az before we lost touch that I had backed up his models. Going to take my old Zip disks to Kinkos and burn them onto CD's as I think there were some on those. I think RichD may have his textures backed up and at least a few buildings that he worked on. Remains for Az to decide what he is going to do.
Posted By: vendetta

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 02:21


Can you please add the vintage car models that Azz had? Also, the weapon packs that Azz converted please.

Posted By: TripleX

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 08:01

If I rember right, I have a big ressource of AZ models in my old 3DGS folders, like a weaponpack, the goblin, graves a dragon etc.

I'll have a look at it today afternoon.

Posted By: Bilbo

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 12:17

ooo triple-x if you can find the goblin and dragon i would love to be able to download them ^_^
Posted By: Marcio Esper

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 13:09


Great contribuition

the vegetation looks very pretty

best regards,

Posted By: TripleX

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 16:03

I think I have much more Models by AZ and many models in this pack are probably not by AZ.. I have no idea

Posted By: Efrint

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 16:14

@ TripleX The link doesn´t work...

Regards Efrint
Posted By: TripleX

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 16:18

yep sorry.. corrected..

of course htttp won't work
Posted By: Efrint

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 16:19

now, it works.....
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 17:43

Only thing I hope is that the license is included -which is why I didn't post them. Some of the models -like maybe the goblin?- were actually models created by someone else that Az simply convereted with animations for non-commercial or study. Would be ok to play with on your personal PC but if you inadvertantly used one of these models from a commercial game in your project you'd likely have problems. Az had taken care to divide them into various categories based on licensing and insisted that I have a script that required people to accept the license agreement for each model before downloading. I had hacked together an asp one but this current cms is php and too hard for me to modify. I have found a download manager called Olate which allows license agreements but I am awaiting the release of version 3 over the next month or so to fix some bugs.

Anyway I recommend reviewing the license agreement. If not sure, don't use it. I wouldn't anyone -including Az- to have a headache.
Posted By: vendetta

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 22:55

@Triple-X : Thank you for adding those models... do you happen to have those old cars Az made? If I could give you five stars for that post, I would

@bupaje : We know that most are commercial models only for demos and prototypes, so you can actually include those models for download, just put a disclaimer saying that they are commerical and it's up to us to be careful.
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 08/01/05 23:10

I'll come up with something this weekend. Thanks.
Posted By: gri

Re: Models by Az - 08/03/05 09:57


here is the true "goblin md2" and a mailadress to his daddy.
Maybe he can help for license questions.

goblin at polycount

Posted By: Tachys

Re: Models by Az - 08/03/05 15:58

I'm fairly certain I have the entirety of his model packs in one of my archives. I just don't know if I have the licenses that he included with each pack. I'll check when I get home.

I remember downloading the star wars models and was REALLY floored at the way those models looked in 3DGS, so I went on a DL spree.

The whole collection that was up on the website he linked to contained the aforementioned Star Wars models (spacecraft), a slew of vehicles (tanks, cars, etc), the plant packs that bupaje is hosting, some graveyard stuff, cathedral stuff, egyptian-themed things, some stationary skeletons and some other things.

Like bupaje said, the majority of the stuff is copyrighted work and can't be used in commercial products, but the work Az did in reworking them for 3DGS was simply awesome.

It was a shame what happened to Az, and we are all diminished by his absence. Josef's Tear was looking to be a truly spectacular project, and was an inspiration to me that no matter what the nay-sayers had to say about it, if you had the time, creativity and ability, 3DGS was an awesome tool for game development. Anyone that still keeps in touch with him, please pass this on!

Maybe I'll get off my ass tonight and throw together an oldschool website to at least allow these awesome packs to continue on if I have the license stuff with them.
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 08/03/05 16:48

@gri - thanks.

@Tachys - hoping he shows up again. I was looking at images of his work and even the stuff that is several years old looks good. Love to see what he could do with shaders and all the other stuff that's been added since then.

Here's two images I had online - have a few more at home.
Posted By: FBL

Re: Models by Az - 08/03/05 16:58

*sigh* this is really impressive

And look at the date! 2002!... many projects using shaders don't look that good.
Posted By: vendetta

Re: Models by Az - 08/03/05 21:18


The whole collection that was up on the website he linked to contained the aforementioned Star Wars models (spacecraft), a slew of vehicles (tanks, cars, etc), the plant packs that bupaje is hosting, some graveyard stuff, cathedral stuff, egyptian-themed things, some stationary skeletons and some other things.

Maybe I'll get off my ass tonight and throw together an oldschool website to at least allow these awesome packs to continue on if I have the license stuff with them.

That would be so awesome if you did that.
Posted By: Tachys

Re: Models by Az - 08/04/05 13:47

Ok... I threw together a basic html website, covering my projects at Polar Motion Studios, a shout out to Azreal Dark to let him know he's missed , Screenshots of Az's work on Josef's tear (found a bunch of SS's at the Ancient Idol website, which, sadly, seems to be missing a bunch of content, since the webmaster of that site was helping Az with texture work in JT) and a few showing the model packs, as well as what little I have at the moment, a downloads page for the model packs and my gallery level, and a page for contacting me. Now I need to tweak it a little and upload it to my comcast site.

@bupaje - I'm not doing this to step on toes, I just feel that the more sites out there that show Az his stuff was worth the time he'd spent and lost, maybe, just maybe, he'll come back to us!
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 08/04/05 15:35

No toes stepped on here ...however if the licensing agreements are not included and there is a problem you will need to deal with it. Neither I, nor Az are responsible for any content you post so cover your backside. Any legal hassles or headaches are yours alone which is why Az was so adamant that users must accept the licensing agreement and disclaimer for each model.
Posted By: Tachys

Re: Models by Az - 08/04/05 17:48


Roger that!
Posted By: Tachys

Re: Models by Az - 08/05/05 19:40

Short update:

I found all the models, that I am fairly certain were Az's work, but unfortunately they are not in the original zip packs, and as such do not have the disclaimers. I am going to weed through them, and post them on the website when I have all those that are obviously copyrighted grouped up and organized under a disclaimer blanket. To date, several of the models I have produce a 'too many skins' error when opened in med, and I am not sure what to do to fix that problem. Maybe using something like milkshape to reexport them to 3dgs mdl format, but I am at work right now and unable to follow through with that until later on.

Just wanted to keep you all informed, so that those who are interested will have access to the models soon, and with the understanding that some of the stuff is for self educational purposes only.
Posted By: vendetta

Re: Models by Az - 08/10/05 04:20

I'm sorry but what is going on with these models? Both of you have not posted any
updates or setup changes to websites...TUSC?
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 08/10/05 05:43



I've posted the models I could easily determine the license of. Since several of the zips I posted have multiple models, total models and sprites posted probably are at least 30. I personally am not comfortable posting the rest until I am sure of the license. Cries of 'TUSC' - while painful - likely won't encourage me to throw caution to the wind and ignore Az's stipulations.

The page had been an .asp page with some scripting and I can't open the page normally in IE -don't want to set up a server just to read the page so I have to try to read the text bits between the script, and compressed html which is just a bit of a pain in the brain.

I'm interviewing and registering for a school this week (if all goes well I'll be starting up an 18 month Brooks College animation, and 3d modeling program in October!) and then I'll try to get a few more this weekend. If you are looking for specific models that you know were free then maybe someone else can find them, or you can mention them here and I'll try to verify those first.
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 08/10/05 05:58

@vendetta - Az did not want anyone to host these and only allowed me because, frankly, he was up against a wall with his host; we're actually lucky that a few people have them because they aren't available from his site and he has been out of touch. He very specifically asked for the rating system and a disclaimer page that users had to accept before going to the models page. He also didn't want users to be able to link directly to the files and bypass the disclaimer. I had this setup on my old site.

I know this may sound old fashioned but that's what I agreed to and since this isn't a life or death situation, I feel compelled to honor that agreement. Unless he responds to my emails and says it is ok then I'm just going to have to do it this way.

Hmmm.... maybe I can set up a second copy of Olate Download Manager .... I set one up at and it does allow licenses before downloads .... it is a little buggy and version 3 is coming out very soon. Let me think on it .... if someone is using websitebaker cms and knows php and can modify the downloads mod for me then please pm me.

[EDIT: I had a thought and managed to finally find the license info and model info (just not the images or actual files) in one of the archived copies at the -most seem to be missing those pages as someone purchased my old domain name and it goes there. I made pdf's of the pages so I can at least read the license info and will post the rest of the free ones in the next day or two (remember I said school tomorrow). I'll try again to get someone familar with my CMS to help me modify the download links so I can add the license stuff -didn't get any takers last time but never know.]
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Models by Az - 08/10/05 07:04

I put up a zip that has 2 of the license pages from my old site to help you determine what the original licenses by Az were and so you can decide which items were from this collection. I can't give -or not give - permission regarding these models but maybe these will help you determine what to use, or if you do post you might be able to create a copy of these (removing all my old side text from the site) if you are going to make them available for your own protection.
Posted By: Tachys

Re: Models by Az - 08/10/05 16:01

That's awesome. I had forgotten there were that many. As I posted earlier, I have many of them and now that I'm able to determine which ones were his work, and which one's need further protections, I can get to work on getting the site set up to provide adequate safeguards. I'll more than likely have it set up in a similar fashion to what is displayed in the pdf's. The delay on my end was not being able to determine which models were in these sets, and because I knew that even though he was responsible for porting a lot of them over, he wasn't the original artist, and that there was contact info that need to be passed on to the person downloading the models. As a result, I was reluctant to make them available until I had it all nailed down. Unfortunately, some of these things, however awesome they are, fall under that last category and as such, I would not feel comfortable posting them for download.
Posted By: vendetta

Re: Models by Az - 08/11/05 04:23

Burt and Tachygs, I have sent PM.
Posted By: Asse

Re: Models by Az - 09/04/05 08:24

The link in the first post don't work, can you please send me the new one?
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Models by Az - 09/04/05 14:17


The link in the first post don't work, can you please send me the new one?

works fine for me
Posted By: Asse

Re: Models by Az - 09/04/05 14:44

Mh yes, now it works. Maybe it was down that moment.
Posted By: AIS_Rich

Re: Models by Az - 09/04/05 17:53

I just noticed this thread and I probably have some model assets from Az as well. Az stored quite a bit of stuff on my server, which unfortunately did not include the Josef's Tear stuff. The site has not been updated in a VERY long time, so there isn't anything there linking to any of Az's work, but I'm pretty sure I have some models stored on the server. Burt, I'll send you the FTP links in a bit.

For anybody that needs it for credit info, Az's full name should be listed as Azrael Dark.

Rich D
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