Looking for references ...

Posted By: Kasey_Dee

Looking for references ... - 08/05/08 23:41

1. I am looking for a small company that does artwork and human character models that I can get a working relationship with and trust.

Early next year I would like to find someone to do some human character model work for a role playing game and would like someone that knows A7 and is familiar with it and also uses 3D Studio Max 9 32 bit or Milkshape. I do have Lightwave and TrueSpace licenses but do not care for TrueSpace that well.

They must either have a PayPal or ShareIt account.

Once the human character project is done it would be nice to be able to go back to them for other things that maybe I can not get to look right and would rather outsource. So once I find someone I have worked with before I can come back to them and they can do a project when they can fit it in.

I have programmers I completely trust and would like to get someone on the art end that I can trust as well.

Can anyone recommend model membership sites that you pay monthly payment to or once a year that does quality work that you have been happy with.

You can google but I am looking for recommendations. It is difficult to find someone you can trust and will do a good job and complete a job. I am not fussy about time frames as I am pretty flexible on when a job has to be completed as often they have other clients I would rather they not rush through jobs.

Membership sites I would like to join now but for the model project that will start at the beginning of next year due to research.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Looking for references ... - 08/06/08 02:26

I am always looking for new long term clients, drop me an email at lostclimategames[at]yahoo[dot]com
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: Looking for references ... - 08/06/08 20:51

alienheretic is good
Posted By: Kasey_Dee

Re: Looking for references ... - 08/16/08 17:43

This job will be done by Arteria Games. Thank you.
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