
Posted By: Seriff

ShaderWorks - 11/13/05 14:21

I hearded abou a program called ShaderWorks that can make shaders for GS. i think this is the right site.

But there's a problem, the download link is no longer avaliable. I'm trying to get it from [censored], but is taking too much time to finish.

If anyone can grab it 1st and share it with us please. -------> Export it to this site and leave the link here.

Posted By: Ayrus

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 01:26

Posted By: Daedelus

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 01:51

This program looks awesome. Has anyone here tried it with Gamestudio?
It makes no mention of it on their website.
Posted By: Josh_Arldt

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 02:42


This program looks awesome. Has anyone here tried it with Gamestudio?

Of course not. As Ayrus was trying to point out, there is no way to obtain it.
There are no download links.
Posted By: Daedelus

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 02:51

In so many words..
I noticed this header and got over-excited:

From website:
Available Now-
"We have decided to make our ShaderWorks XT alpha program available to the public effective immediately."
Posted By: Josh_Arldt

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 02:53

Ok, I see.

I used to have an older version of ShaderWorks. I thought that I burned to a CD... I can't seem to find it though. It's a shame that I don't still have it.
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 03:23

This program was never out of Beta before it died. I was in the Beta test had some potential, but in the end had the same problem all shader development apps have, portability problems.
Posted By: Seriff

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 14:19

Im trying to take it out from the Mule. But in 29mb only 5mb came out :S
Posted By: VampireLord

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 14:40

well I believe it won't help very much. As far as I can remember it doesn't support .fx export.

Have to check wether I still have a version installed on my should be there somewhere!

Posted By: Seriff

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 15:02

I read somewhere that it supports HLSL:

"ShaderWorks FX Viewer is a stand-alone Effect (.FX) file editor. It allows for
direct manipulation, previewing and editing of any standard FX file using ..."

It works with 3dgs, i think.
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 15:16

No the fx exporter was never finshed.. I'm telling you this thing would be useless.. there are much better editors.
Posted By: Dix

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 18:48

Scott Bean sold the Mad FX realtime animation viewer with the promise of a LW 3d scene to Mad FX converter.

The promised 'soon to be released' plugin was incentive to buy Mad FX 1.0. Although cheap at U$79.00, I would not have paid the money to participate in a beta testing effort knowing that the promise to support LW 3d was false.

Instead of finishing the converter, Mad FX was abondoned, (no corporate support) so that he could work on Shaderworks.

He announced that Activision bought Shaderworks, so congrats to him.
And he made the alpha version available to the public.

I wonder if he had finished Mad FX, if Newtek would have become interested in making it part of LightWave 3d?
Posted By: AndrewSwallow

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/14/05 22:15


Dear ShaderWorks Users,

I am pleased to announce that Activision, a leading international publisher of interactive games, with head-quarters in Santa Monica, CA, have recently acquired full rights to ShaderWorks as of March 20, 2005. I am also proud to have joined Activision's amazing team of game developers as Technical Director, Tools and will continue my work on a next generation ( in-house ) version of ShaderWorks for use in development of future Activision titles.

Please note: ShaderWorks XT Alpha 1.0 download will no longer be available as of today.

That was on the homepage to the website

Posted By: Grafton

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/15/05 00:00

I have this alpha 1.0 (202), and you cannot export fx files. but you can copy / paste the fx file from the window by using ctrl-c then paste into a text file.
I havent used it much though. it reminds me of nvidias FX composer which is also free and as Matt said, probably better.
Posted By: Josh_Arldt

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/15/05 00:14


No the fx exporter was never finshed.. I'm telling you this thing would be useless.. there are much better editors.

The program would allow you to view the .FX file within the small code window and can copy/paste. What I would usually do is just look at the code window for reference.


I have this alpha 1.0 (202)

Could you please email it to me?
My email address is in my signature.


it reminds me of nvidias FX composer which is also free and as Matt said, probably better.

Unfortunately for me Nvidias FX Composer doesn't run on Windows ME.
Although I will be building a new computer very soon.
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/15/05 08:49

Windows ME?? jeeze get with the 21st century :P
Posted By: Grafton

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/15/05 09:28

Josh, my e-mail is limited, so I uploaded it into storage. Here is a link. This is the old freeware version (which I think was the last), if anyone wants to try the program (~27 MB).
Posted By: Inestical

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/15/05 11:09

Josh_Arldt: U are using WinME!? hey, hey! that's most buggiest OS ever made turn to 98SE instead, if can't to WinXP
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/15/05 16:54

Oh...please. I used Windows Millennium and have no problems with that. Stop picking anyone to downgrade to 98SE or Windows XP.
Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/15/05 21:06

Grayson Peddie , you must be a very lucky man, because you are the first person that I know that didn't have problems with Windows Millenium.
Posted By: Ayrus

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/16/05 03:48

@ Greyson:

ME is soo bad that Microsoft wont even put it on their history page. It was hauled off market for a reason, and it wasn't because it was a limited time release.

Sorry to go off topic, so to get back on, I might have to look at this proggie... has me curious even if it was limited.

Posted By: Rav Singh

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/18/05 22:41


This program was never out of Beta before it died. I was in the Beta test had some potential, but in the end had the same problem all shader development apps have, portability problems.

I thought he ceased development after Activision bought him out and the rights to Shaderworks ... think he's working for them now.
Posted By: Josh_Arldt

Re: ShaderWorks - 11/19/05 01:51


Windows ME?? jeeze get with the 21st century :P

I have a nice laptop with Windows XP... although the graphics card is outdated already. It came with an ATI Radeon 9000.

I also have an XP Professional CD from DELL which came with another laptop which has a different OS installed instead. I don't believe it's legally possible to install it on any other machine than the laptop it shipped with.

Windows ME is really one of the buggiest OS ever IMO. The BSOD("Blue Screen Of Death") which I get frequently drives me crazy. Also there are many other bugs which are very frusterating.

Also my power supply fan has started making a loud noise(its hitting something I believe). I took a look at it and couldn't find anything that's in the way of the fan...
After a while of the noise I get ticked and start hitting the top of my computer... seems to fix it for a while...

I'll be building a new computer soon w/ dual SLI cards and a gig of RAM(for now). I'll also be purchasing Windows XP Professional for it.
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