Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow!

Posted By: Matt_Coles

Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/07/05 18:47

Was playing around with these 3 things and got this result, the code is Steempipes, altered slightly for level geometry and runs on a 9800 pro 32fps average with 2 dynamic light


Matt Coles
Posted By: proteK

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/07/05 21:02

Wow, thats nice :-)

Can you post the code if its opensource or where are these part of code?

great work :-)

Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/08/05 06:24

Here's the code for your wdl:

// Change the textures to your own
bmap cementcolour = <cement.bmp>;
bmap cementDOT32 = <cementDOT3.tga>;
bmap cementheightmap = <cementh.bmp>;

material cement // Your wad texture name
skin1 = cementcolour;
skin2 = cementDOT32;
skin3 = cementheightmap;
flags = tangent;

starter load_shaders()

effect_load(cement,"parallax.fx"); // wad texture name at beginning of brackets

Your Parallax.fx file:

float4x4 matWorldViewProj;
float4x4 matWorld;
float4x4 matViewInv;

float3x3 WldToTan;

float4 vecViewPos;
float4 vecViewDir;

float4 vecLight;
float4 vecLightPos[8];
float4 vecLightColor[8];

texture entSkin1;
texture mtlSkin2;
texture mtlSkin3;

sampler sColorMap = sampler_state
Texture = <entSkin1>;
MinFilter = Linear;
MagFilter = Linear;
MipFilter = Linear;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

sampler sBumpMap = sampler_state
Texture = <mtlSkin2>;
MinFilter = Linear;
MagFilter = Linear;
MipFilter = Linear;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

sampler sHeightMap = sampler_state
Texture = <mtlSkin3>;
MinFilter = Linear;
MagFilter = Linear;
MipFilter = Linear;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 oPosition : POSITION;
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
float3 Light1 : TEXCOORD2;
float3 View1 : TEXCOORD3;
float3 Att1 : TEXCOORD4;

float3 Light2 : TEXCOORD5;
float3 View2 : TEXCOORD6;
float3 Att2 : TEXCOORD7;

VS_OUTPUT main_vs(float4 inPosition : POSITION, float2 inTex : TEXCOORD0, float3 inNormal : NORMAL, float3 inTangent : TEXCOORD2 )

Out.oPosition = mul(inPosition, matWorldViewProj);

WldToTan[0] = mul(inTangent, matWorld);
WldToTan[1] = mul(cross(inTangent, inNormal), matWorld);
WldToTan[2] = mul(inNormal, matWorld);

Out.Tex = inTex.xy * 1.5; //Scale the texture UV's

float4 Pos_World = mul( inPosition, matWorld);

float LightRange1 = 0.003;
float LightRange2 = 0.003;

//light 1
float3 Light1 = Pos_World - vecLightPos[1];
Out.Light1.xyz = mul(WldToTan, -Light1);

float3 Viewer1 = Pos_World - vecViewDir;
Out.View1.xzy = mul(WldToTan, -Viewer1);

Out.Att1 = Light1 * LightRange1;
//light 2
float3 Light2 = Pos_World - vecLightPos[2];
Out.Light2.xyz = mul(WldToTan, -Light2);

float3 Viewer2 = Pos_World - vecViewDir;
Out.View2.xzy = mul(WldToTan, -Viewer2);

Out.Att2 = Light2 * LightRange2;

return Out;

struct PS_INPUT0
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
float3 Light1 : TEXCOORD2;
float3 View1 : TEXCOORD3;
float3 Att1 : TEXCOORD4;
float3 Light2 : TEXCOORD5;
float3 View2 : TEXCOORD6;
float3 Att2 : TEXCOORD7;


float4 main_ps(PS_INPUT0 IN): COLOR
const float HeightScale = {0.030000f};
const float BiasFilter = {0.025000f};

float3 ViewDir = normalize(IN.View1);
float4 color;
float3 bumpNormal;

float Height = HeightScale * tex2D(sHeightMap, IN.Tex) - BiasFilter;
float2 OffsetTex = Height * ViewDir + IN.Tex;
color = tex2D(sColorMap, OffsetTex);
bumpNormal =(2 * (tex2D(sBumpMap, OffsetTex )))- 1.0;
float4 gloss = tex2D( sBumpMap, OffsetTex);

float3 LightDir1 = normalize(IN.Light1);
float3 ViewDir1 = normalize(IN.View1);
float4 diff1 = saturate(dot(bumpNormal, LightDir1));
float shadow1 = saturate(2 * diff1);
float3 Reflect1 = normalize(2 * diff1 * bumpNormal - LightDir1);
float4 spec1 = pow(saturate(dot(Reflect1, ViewDir1)), 8);
float4 Attenuation1 = saturate(dot(IN.Att1, IN.Att1));

float3 LightDir2 = normalize(IN.Light2);
float3 ViewDir2 = normalize(IN.View2);
float4 diff2 = saturate(dot(bumpNormal, LightDir2));
float shadow2 = saturate(2 * diff2);
float3 Reflect2 = normalize(2 * diff2 * bumpNormal - LightDir2);
float4 spec2 = pow(saturate(dot(Reflect2,ViewDir2)), 8);
float4 Attenuation2 = saturate(dot(IN.Att2, IN.Att2));

return (
(0.2 * color) + //ambient
((shadow1 * (color * diff1 + (spec1)) * (1 -Attenuation1))*vecLightColor[1])+
((shadow2 * (color * diff2 + (spec2)) * (1 -Attenuation2))*vecLightColor[2])

//return (0.2 * color + color* diff1 * vecLightColor[1]+diff2 * vecLightColor[2]);


technique Parallax
pass P0

VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 main_vs();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 main_ps();

I usually make these things into demos, so one should be available shortly

Parallax Mapping is the effect used on levels to make them look more detailed, its a more complex effect than normal mapping and you can see it in games and engines such as Elder Scrolls Oblivion and the Unreal 3.0 Engine

Looks extremely awesome with moving dynamic lights lights


Matt Coles
Posted By: Ranger1

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/08/05 07:26


I'll wait until your Level comes out

But having a copy of a Wolfgang Engel Book on Shaders I Know how good this looks so thanx very much for sharing...
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/08/05 09:26

I seem to be missing the glow...

Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/08/05 10:19

I'll turn the bloom / glow up in the final version, it's there but it's always hard to see if the texture environment is pretty much the same. The Bloom / Glow shader, I forgot to mention is Matt A's Renderview Dll
Posted By: proteK

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/09/05 03:31

Thanks a lot for the code

A programm to make good heightmaps ?

Adobe? or a other good programm

greez Protek
Posted By: Red Ocktober

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/09/05 03:52

looks real nice Matt...

what'dya think the performance will be like on GeForce5200fx or a Radeon9200 level cards?

so far i'm kinda disappointed in any real scene use of shaders... or for that matter, anything that uses a 'material' to display the textures seem to immediately slow things down...

Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/09/05 06:18

If you turn of glow it should work ok on those cards on a decent frame rate. Note, glows not in the code above
The program I use for heightmaps is Photoshop, but there is a lot of other programs that can do that

Matt Coles
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/09/05 19:47

Demo will be appearing under Ultimate Shader Collection in User Contributions Forum :0 very soon...

Matt Coles
Posted By: Salva

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/10/05 02:15

Hi Matt!

Very nice shader!
I have tested it but to me the level-block textures appear tooo big!!


Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/10/05 10:12

You can change it by the line reading
Out.Tex = inTex.xy * 1.5; //Scale the texture UV's
Posted By: Spartan_117

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 03/17/05 06:33

Can you show me the textures you used like the dot 32 regular and heighmap. that would be awesome
Posted By: sarahlover_247

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 07/05/05 15:48

I'm getting an Error, The only way I modified it was changing the texture names to my own.

Error in effect:
brick(1) : unkown type in parameter declaration: 'float4x4' (11) : syntax error.
Posted By: oronll

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 07/05/05 17:06

awesome ! but it doesnt seem to use all th elights in my project.. nor does it use sunlight.. hmmmmm
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Level Geometry, Parallax Mapping And Glow! - 07/05/05 22:07

The light functions need 'my.cast = on;' if I remember well.
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