HLSL Waving Grass?

Posted By: Sebe

HLSL Waving Grass? - 02/25/05 00:24

Hi all

A question, does there somewhere a waving grass shader exist in HLSL? There is one in the wiki, but only for dx8.1... it doesn't work with the new version. I used the search funcion, but I didnt find something in HLSL o_O
This shader looked really good and it would be nice to have something like that also in HLSL
Posted By: Templar

Re: HLSL Waving Grass? - 03/09/05 05:07

* BUMP *

C'mon guys, could any of you shader-gurus please give it a try? Waving grass is - along with a water shader - the most basic shader effect of any fps.
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