2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader

Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/06/08 11:50

Hello everyone , for one of my current projects , I modified the shader guitarxxx had posted on the contributions , the 3 light shader , I changed it to be a 2 dynamic light shader (no sun) , and a 1 dynamic light shader(no sun). I mainly did this for speed reasons , the shader runs much faster with just 2 lights and only one pass, and even faster with just one light, so I'd thought I'd share here , maybe someone can find it usefull as well.
In the rar there are the scripts you need , all you need to do is copy them to your project folder , and include normalMapping.wdl in your main script , and give your entities the action nMapping1L for 1 light and nMapping2L for using 2 lights.
Heres the link:
Here are some images

2 Lights

1 Light

Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/06/08 17:55

thanks for this man, it works great.
Is it possible to have more than one texture map
+ normal maps per model? and if so could you let me know how to add the needed code?
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/06/08 18:54

granted i know it is just a demo to test the normal map, but you should fix the spec map on the walls.
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/06/08 20:20

jigalypuff , I have no idea , i'm not really a shader programmer , I just tried making sense of the code from the forum and edited it till it worked with 2 lights , then it was easy to make it just 1. I know it supports model with difuse texture , plus normal map texture containing specular map in it's alpha channel.

About fixing the spec on the walls , well it was quick demo , and the super glossy reflective walls show very clearly how the effect is working. Of course , for real game you just edit the spec map to the shininess you want , I've tried on other models and the results you get are really nice.
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/06/08 22:42

Erm how many lights can you add in a level? if i add more than 3 everything goes black frown
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/06/08 22:51


Thats the point of this one, its title clearly says "2 LIGHTS NORMAL MAPPING"

perhaps you should also read the post before you reply.
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/07/08 02:57

jigalypuff, you can have as many lights as you want in the level , if you are using the 2 lights shader , then you can only have 2 lights active at one time , i.e. , 2 lights have their lightrange > 0, if you are using the one light shader , then you can only have 1 light on at a time , but in the level , you can place as many as you want. The whole idea of having a 2 light shader with 1 pass and a 1 light shader is for speed. The only reason I modified the shader was that other shaders with only had 1 light only used the sun as dynamic light , which to me makes them completely useless. Here is a very simple code you can use to place as many lights as you want in the level and the 2 closest lights to the player will be the ones activated.
action dynamicLight		//	Attach to entity or entities that are going to be your ligth sources
	my.invisible = on;
	my.passable = on;
	my.light = on;
	my.cast = on;		// Cast shadows
	my.red = 255;		// Light red color
	my.green = 255;		// Light green color
	my.blue = 255;		// Light blue color
	my.lightrange = 0;		// Light brightness
		if(vec_dist(my.x,player.x) < 200)  //// How close the light should be to the player before it activates.
			my.lightrange = 200;  //// Light brightness
			my.lightrange = 0;

The code I posted above will handle the lights on it's own , just position the lights in a way that let's the level flow with them. This code is not good for 2 story buildings , because of how vec_dist works , but modifying it to work with 2 or more story buildings should be pretty easy.
The script will work with the 1 or 2 light shader.

edit: The script is not perfect , and doesn't really calculate the closes to the player , rather than just activates itself if it is close enough to the player , then the engine will use the 2 lights it sees first and ignore extra ones if more than 2 lights are in range at once. However , by cleverly placing the lights , i.e. not putting 5 lights next to each other , but rather in places you want lit , like 1 in a room , another in a hall , another in the next room , ect... , this script should handle the lights pretty good.
I will prolly make a more precise script later on to really handle lights properly, activating only the ones closest to the player , and handling 2 or more story levels , but that will prolly be later on when I get more into the game , I'm still in testing stage of things.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/07/08 05:56

@Jigalypuff) You can use as many diffuse+normal maps on a model as you want. it's in the manual.

You have to use them in sequence. Ex)

Skin1) Diffuse01
Skin2) Normal01
Skin3) Diffuse02
Skin4) Normal02
Skin5) Diffuse03
Skin6) Normal03
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/07/08 08:10

@lost climate, if i understood shaders then perhaps i`d have understood the one light only thing smile

Why do i do thanks that works great
xxxdisiple cheers man i`ll add the extra textures to the .fx file and see how i go.
Cheers to all.
Posted By: Reigel_Seven

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/08/08 20:09

Somehow I was able to combine Grafton's Projection Flashlight shader with this one. Right now it's only the flashlight + 1 room light, but I'll add more lights later on. I'll post the code later tonight (I'm at work).

I say "somehow" because I know pretty much NOTHING about how shaders work, but with some "advanced" cut-and-pasting I was able to figure it out. Thanks to the OP for this! grin
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/10/08 04:51

"but with some "advanced" cut-and-pasting" , I see we share the same technique, LOL.
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: 2 Lights Normal Mapping Shader and 1 Light Normal Mapping Shader - 12/12/08 09:29

is there a way to apply transparency to a texture file useing this shader? like entskin3 and 4 being translucent so it`ll look like glass?
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