Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos]

Posted By: frazzle

Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 01/31/09 21:38


This is something I've recently made to enhance my modeling skills.
My goal was to create a street scene that fits into an urban city style. This means, city-like props, structures and textures.

Most of the textures are hand painted (PS CS) and the models were developed using 3ds Max.



Mind that the video is made with a feature in Max itself. The animation for the scene is set up in 200 frames and rendered at 15 frames per second.
It's basically a 'hard' way to record animation because it takes about 10 minutes to produce the video. I did this for ensuring video quality but the draw back is the video length wink wink

Scene 01
Scene 02

Btw, an interesting question for you guys would be to guess the average amount of polies for both scenes. I'm curious for your thoughts wink wink
Enjoy, all feedback is welcome smile smile


Posted By: DoC

Re: Project - Street Scene [video] - 02/01/09 00:03

i allway hate posts with no screenshots ^^
Posted By: croman

Re: Project - Street Scene [video] - 02/01/09 10:02

they look awesome. really nice work
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/01/09 11:30

Thanks for your comments so far.

@ DoC:

I can understand your pov since an image says more than a 1000 words. Thus I edited my initial post with screenies.
One question though, did you actually viewed the videos? If so, I would appriciate some feedback on that as well wink wink

@ cerberi_croman:

Thank you for your kind words, I inputted alot of effort into handmaking almost everything so getting a positive feedback as result is always nice ^^


Posted By: DoC

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/01/09 11:43

I dont mean that i think your work is bad no.. i only dont like post without screenshots and im quite happy that you change it ;-)
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/01/09 11:53

I know that you didn't ment it like that, that's why I added the screens wink wink
But I still don't know your 'two cents' about those 2 scenes ^^

Thanks in progress

Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/01/09 13:15

That's the best street scene i ever see! Good work Frazzle! smile
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/01/09 18:33

looks nice, although the sides of the buildings could use a little more composition. Flat 1 textured buildings become very uninteresting, and to be honest they clash with the very nicely detailed fronts of the building.
Posted By: DC9

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/01/09 19:43

Hi frazzle.

I agree with lostclimate. The sides lack detail. The rest of the modeling definitely sets the urban atmosphere that was the objective. The tire marks on the road look a little too wide.

As far as the medium, I liked the video presentation for the models. Although the format was small on my screen, this is a nice way to visualize the models in a flowing environment.

Posted By: Blade280891

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/01/09 19:45

I think the roads are too clean
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/01/09 21:50

@ Cowabanga:

Thanks wink wink

@ lostclimate:

The composition aspect was actually one of my restrictions since I used alot of reference material to compose both scenes.
I can understand your pov about the structure though, thanks for indicating smile smile

@ DC9:

The sides can be optimsised indeed but it's due to the reference material that I encountered restrictions. But I'll keep this in mind.

About the tire marks, the thickness of the texture is actually based upon the tire pattern of a garbage truck which I used as a reference for that. I used this type of vehicle because it needs to pick up the nearby container wink wink
Off course, if you don't know the storyboard behind the scene then I can comphrehense your tought.


As far as the medium, I liked the video presentation for the models. Although the format was small on my screen, this is a nice way to visualize the models in a flowing environment.

I recorded it with window size 768x576 because the render process of the animation itself is a slow feature. I could have done it on a much larger resolution but that would have drasticly affected the file size.
But thank you for your appreciation, this makes my effort rise in value smile smile

@ Blade:

Looking back at both scenes, I agree with you.
Maybe that is the only aspect that really conflicts with the urban-city style thus good noticing there ^^


Posted By: Inestical

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/02/09 05:30

I like the pictures!

I won't download the scenes at this point, but a little small-model details would not harm the scene.

Adding trashcans, papers, dust-stamps and most importantly, nature (nothing stays alive unless there are trees or bushes around ;))
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/02/09 09:34

Thanks for your input wink wink


Adding trashcans, papers, dust-stamps and most importantly, nature (nothing stays alive unless there are trees or bushes around ;))

Trashcans and bushes are most certainly present, maybe that wasn't clear when looking at the screens but the video makes those props clear in the scene. Qua dust stamps, I can understand your point, the roads are too clean indeed ^^


Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/02/09 14:58

That looks really good frazzle, nice job. wink
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 02/02/09 17:40

Thanks for the kind words Glenn (this time I'm right) wink wink


Posted By: PadMalcom

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 05/05/09 08:37

The models really look great, can you tell me if you used a tutorial (if yes, which one) or did you learn to create them by learning by doing?
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Project - Street Scene [Screens] [Videos] - 05/09/09 08:02

I rather learned it by just doing and looking close to my reference material.
The experience and knowledge is something I gained from alot of trial and error (which is still one of the best ways to learn anything) wink wink


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