Audi A6 + rims

Posted By: frazzle

Audi A6 + rims - 06/30/07 20:29

A time ago, I modeled a couple of rims and an audi A6 like the title mentions. I decided to show them out, so here are the results:


Audi A6:

As you can see, I only wrapped one rim around a tire and the rest of the rims are subdue to abit of lighting. I also didn't finished the audi completly but I'm happy with the results I got so far and I will not finish the model itself and the texturing because I am planning to start a new project soon


Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 06/30/07 21:30

wow - that's very high quality!
Didn't know you are THAT good!

Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 06/30/07 21:43



only wrapped one rim around a tire and the rest of the rims are subdue to abit of lighting

huh? what do you mean, I dont understand? Are you talking about uv unwrapping?

Anyways. It is perfect so far. looking forward to seeing more of your upcoming projects.
Posted By: TSG_Torsten

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 02:07

Looking really good, can't wait to see a version with textures.

Posted By: VPrime

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 04:15

Those would look great on an audi .. all of your rims need some dish.. Eruo cars need dish.......
Mmmmm deep dish audi...
Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 06:50

nitro, he means he didn't put the tire on all of the rims, only on one...(I think)

Great work frazzle! I didn't know you were this good either... wow!
and I'm also looking forward to your next project
... can you tell us anything on what it'll be?^^
Posted By: aztec

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 07:30

AWESOME Frazzle Im speachless.
The rims as well as the Audi look great.
are you planning on doing an inside of the car?
Posted By: old_bill

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 13:27

You would not add AMG rims onto an Audi, or?

But very nicely done.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 15:03

@ mercuryus:

Thanks for the kind words, I was actually surprised aswell when I relooked at my own pictures ^^

@ NITRO777:

Your also too kind or I'm just being too modest
About the question you had relating this quote:

only wrapped one rim around a tire and the rest of the rims are subdue to abit of lighting

Germanunkol cleared the first part of the sentence out but with the second part I ment that I gave the tires/rims some lighting to make them look better.
Srr for the hard sentence, I know I can be a complicated fellow sometimes

@ TSGames:

Danke für deinen freundliche Wörter
But as I mentioned in my first post, I doubt it that I'll have the time to finish this because of a new project.

@ VPrime:


Those would look great on an audi .. all of your rims need some dish.. Eruo cars need dish.......
Mmmmm deep dish audi...

I'll try and make the rim you advice me, I'll post it as soon as possible.

@ Germanunkol:

First thanks for the clearing up, as I said to TSGames, I'm to complicated ^^
Second, I'll thank you again for your flattering words
I think I'm going to keep that project abit of a secret, not that it is a big deal but just as a little clue I can tell you that I'll be around the shader section very often in a couple of days/weeks.

@ aztec:

I already expected nice and kind words from you You're being too friendly again
About the inside of the car, my time schedule doesn't allow me because of a new project I'm excited to start with ^^

@ old_bill:

Thanks, you're comment together with the rest their comment makes my day ^^ !!

I think I just broke the record of thanking people But I'll say it again, you're all very kind, I appriciate this and makes my work feel useful !!


Posted By: frazzle

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 16:06

Here you go, I made the rim like you adviced VPrime
I hope you can see the resemblance.



Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 16:28

Just one question - what's the ~ polycount of the models?

thanx, mercuryus
Posted By: vlau

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 16:42

Nice guy make nice car. Hope you can complete it
and share with us someday.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 16:59

@ mercuryus:

Well the Audi A6 itself has around 8000 polies, all of the rims are around
10000 polies with smoothing (without smoothing, 4000 polies) and the tire has 9000 polies ^^

@ vlau:


Nice guy make nice car. Hope you can complete it
and share with us someday.

That really maded me blush ( ) vlau
Thanks for you kind words aswell, I might share it with you guys but I'm not completly sure about it yet



Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 18:18

wow....are you using that for a 3D movie or something? considering the polycount and the quality of the models, if skinned well, you could put this in a racing film
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 18:33

No actually I made it just the krick up my skills but seeing to the reaction of you guys, it seems that I already have enough No seriously, I had the intention of making this one of my best models so far
Btw, thanks for your astonishing reaction ^^


Posted By: 3DRichard

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 19:42

Hi frazzle, congratulations your car looks very good, but i was hoping that you will make more than i did in the Audi A6 tutorial i made for you.
Anyway, your rims looks awsome, i see you're becoming a very good modeler.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/01/07 20:18

Well like I said I am going to start a new project so I won't finish the Audi.


Hi frazzle, congratulations your car looks very good, but i was hoping that you will make more than i did in the Audi A6 tutorial i made for you.

Your tut. was very helpfull but like you said the tut. you made wasn't
finished completely so I had to finish the rest of the Audi but without your help I would never stand where I stand today.


Posted By: AlexGFX

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/04/07 10:30

Well ... It's a nice looking model.

However, the polycount is terrible for the amount of detail you have. All of that could easily be done in 3000-5000 including the rims. Can we have a look at your wireframe?
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/04/07 11:03

Well the Audi itself has got 9000 polies with a shell modifier. Without this option around 4000 polies. The shell modifier is used for showing the inside of the model too, so it automaticly covers up the inside of the model with polies. This is off course not neccesairy but just to give it more detail. But I doubt that it's possible to make the four rims together with the car and keeping the amount of polies around your estimated amount of polies. With today's modern GPU, it's quite normal to have the amount of polies I've created together with a certain level of detail. Btw, which wireframe you wanted to overview, the car of the rims wireframe ??


Posted By: AlexGFX

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/04/07 11:13


It's not impossible - normal maps are used for a reason. There is absolutely no need to model stuff to the level of detail you did (talking about the rims).

Posted By: frazzle

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/04/07 19:31

Well it's logical that normal maps are used to created detail on existing polygons which your explanation confirms but say I follow up your point of view about the amount of polies, so I should get a rim with 2000 polies instead of 4000 polies instead of 9000 polies without smoothing and try to achieve the same result visualy ?? So the normal map would cover up the smoothing part and give it more detail on the existing amount of polies, untill now this should work for the rims but let's say we put up this statement to a single tire. I've worked out this idea in theory and I get a tire consisting out of 4000 polies but I wouldn't get any grip marks on the tire anymore. The amount of polies that are still present from the original tire will be detailed through a normal map but it wouldn't give the tire a realistic look because of the lack of the grip marks.

I know this is a far searched theory of mine but I'm no pro modeler, I'm not a bad modeler but also not a pro
modeler Maybe people who model 24/7 in the figure of speech way of the word, are able to make the same model I've did with halve the amount of polies which is possible as I mentioned for pro modelers. These people are used to make low-poly models and still achieve a high quality model. Or there is one way around the entire high poly stuff, just one word: 'Polybump'
It's a feature, developed by CRYTEK studios, for the CRYTEK engine and yes you've guessed it, they already used this plugin in Far Cry. So why not use this plugin you might ask you're self ?? Well read yourself, all of the info and documentation is available on this site

To make a long explanation short, I agrea with your point of view Alex but normal maps don't create new detail like my problem on the tire, it emphasises detail on existing polygons.


Posted By: AlexGFX

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/05/07 04:50


Well it's logical that normal maps are used to created detail on existing polygons which your explanation confirms but say I follow up your point of view about the amount of polies, so I should get a rim with 2000 polies instead of 4000 polies instead of 9000 polies without smoothing and try to achieve the same result visualy ?? So the normal map would cover up the smoothing part and give it more detail on the existing amount of polies, untill now this should work for the rims but let's say we put up this statement to a single tire. I've worked out this idea in theory and I get a tire consisting out of 4000 polies but I wouldn't get any grip marks on the tire anymore. The amount of polies that are still present from the original tire will be detailed through a normal map but it wouldn't give the tire a realistic look because of the lack of the grip marks.

I know this is a far searched theory of mine but I'm no pro modeler, I'm not a bad modeler but also not a pro
modeler Maybe people who model 24/7 in the figure of speech way of the word, are able to make the same model I've did with halve the amount of polies which is possible as I mentioned for pro modelers. These people are used to make low-poly models and still achieve a high quality model. Or there is one way around the entire high poly stuff, just one word: 'Polybump'
It's a feature, developed by CRYTEK studios, for the CRYTEK engine and yes you've guessed it, they already used this plugin in Far Cry. So why not use this plugin you might ask you're self ?? Well read yourself, all of the info and documentation is available on this site

To make a long explanation short, I agrea with your point of view Alex but normal maps don't create new detail like my problem on the tire, it emphasises detail on existing polygons.



Not true, normal maps do not only emphasis detail. They sometimes are used to "fake" detail. With normal maps, you could fake the rounding on the tire (thus cutting down on the number of sides you'd have to use; eliminating your delima); you could fake a lot of stuff. When I do the math, I come out to tires being 800-1200 each, and the car itself 2000 -- A little over my starting theory, but it's all good.

Besides, until you post those wireframes, we won't know if you wasted poly's or not. I obviously haven't ever modeled this vehicle, so I can't accurately say what it should be; I can only take a guess.

It's fine, I'm really not trying to start an argument. I know you're pretty new to modeling, and that's why I'm offering my advice. That's all it is "my advice".

Model looks great bro, keep up the good work

PS: One thing I am wondering: why did you model the holes? When they are on the car, they are going to have nuts over them. You could save a load of poly's there, depending on how you went about creating the holes.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/05/07 09:21

Again your explanation is true and your theory seems quite logical but when I wrote 'emphasis' detail I ment 'fake' detail but I think I misinterpretated the word itself, I'm no native
Britain/Americain bro But I'll start no agrument myself too which wasn't my intention, I know you have more experience than me refering to your 8062 membership registration


... know you're pretty new to modeling, and that's why I'm offering my advice. That's all it is "my advice".

Well, this is a subject I could make an argument of !! Just kidding
But serious, I not quite new to modeling, I've used 3ds max for +- 1 year now, there is another model I posted out once, just search through the showcase 1 section, I believe it was a gun ^^
Well your advice is very much appriciated but it wasn't my intention of making a low poly model, I just wanted to krick up my skills by using an exhibition model which mostly isn't low poly. But I'll try to give it a normal map next time, with the thought of modeling low poly if I find the time


PS: One thing I am wondering: why did you model the holes? When they are on the car, they are going to have nuts over them. You could save a load of poly's there, depending on how you went about creating the holes.

I did this because of the faqt I again wanted to make it a very high detailed model without using normal maps. But yes, this is a superfluous thing which is avoidable when modeling low poly which wasn't my general intention

Thxn for your constant replies, kinda fun commenting on eachothers thoughts once and a while
Here are the wireframes as you've asked, sorry that is that late but it was quite late aswell yesterday evening


Posted By: aztec

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/05/07 11:25

nice you did that very well the wireframes look great
Posted By: AlexGFX

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/05/07 13:55

Oh, I wasn't aware that you weren't making a model for a game. I just assumed since this was a game creation forum. In that case, it's very nice.

My advice was geared toward game models. My bad.

The only thing I'd recommend now is that you weld all of the iterations inside the holes on the rim. It's straight, and those poly's do not change the shape at all.

Posted By: frazzle

Re: Audi A6 + rims - 07/05/07 15:43


Oh, I wasn't aware that you weren't making a model for a game. I just assumed since this was a game creation forum. In that case, it's very nice.
My advice was geared toward game models. My bad.

Well I should have mentioned before too ^^


The only thing I'd recommend now is that you weld all of the iterations inside the holes on the rim. It's straight, and those poly's do not change the shape at all.

You're right, I could change the amount of edges inside the hole if I was talking about a model that has got no iterations. I have given this model an iteration of 1 so if I would change the egdes inside the hole and smoothen up the model the holes would look terrible but thanks for your advice, I appriciate it that you gave me some helpful C&C


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