W1192 : Unsupported feature

Posted By: Lukas

W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/01/10 15:32

If I try to use any network functions with A7.86 Commercial I get an error message with the title "Malfunction W1192" and the text ": Unsupported feature". This happens e.g. to the pong_multiplayer.c example. This error message comes always, no matter if I use "-sv -cl", "-cl" or no command line at all. But Commercial is supposed to support Multiplayer.

I tested it with some older versions too. It didn't work with 7.82, 7.84 and 7.85 either. The next-older version I found on my harddisk was 7.10 and with 7.10 it works. It also worked with A8 Beta 8.005 (but I can't test it anymore because it expired) and with A8 Public Beta 8.02.0 Trial.

This happens with Windows 7 and XP. I reinstalled Windows 7 and Gamestudio A7 and it still doesn't work.
Posted By: jcl

Re: W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/02/10 08:14

So, multiplayer does not work for you with any newer A7 version? Can you post the acklog?
Posted By: Emre

Re: W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/02/10 09:56

Lukas, did you delete "key8s.dta" from GStudio7 folder? it has coming with 7.86 afaik.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/02/10 11:49

@Emre: There has never been a key8s.dta in my GStudio7 folder.

OMG, I should have thought about posting the acklogs before. Then I would have noticed, that even if I set -diag in SED, the engine doesn't create an acklog, because it doesn't get the command line! Which means, it always tried to start like the Pro Edition would, which is of course unsupported by Com. If I use "Run" and start acknex.exe manually with "-sv -cl" or "-cl" it works!

Which means the acklogs are now irrelevant and the new bug I'm reporting is that SED doesn't pass the command line as set in preferences. Happens with A7.86.
Posted By: Emre

Re: W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/02/10 12:15

of course there has never been a key8s.dta, because i have written wrong. i mean key8.dta. it has coming with 7.86 and if you don't delete this file, you get "Unsupported feature" messages always. That's what i mean.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/02/10 12:34

There is no .dta file in my GStudio7 folder at all. AFAIK .dta files are A8 keys, but this is an A7 version. Maybe only the free version gets a .dta key?
Posted By: Emre

Re: W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/02/10 12:42

This is strange... i know this is a8 key but when i install 7.86(full), key8.dta comes automatically in GStudio7 folder. Maybe Jcl created a new setup file and corrected it. i will download new setup file later.
Firstly; "key8s.dta" name is true. "key8.dta" is wrong. i was wrong, sorry about that.
Secondly; there is no new setup file. i have download it from donwload page. "key8s.dta" is still coming. if i don't delete this file, enigne runs like free version. anyway it seems this is not about your problem. Have a nice day.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/02/10 16:02

Update: I have found out that the command line option is passed if you use "Test Run", but not if you use "Run current script". I don't know if it's supposed to be like this, but if it is, there should at least be an option to make SED pass the command line also for "Run current script".
Posted By: jcl

Re: W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/03/10 08:36

Emre: the file "key8s.dta" is for the free version only. It is not present in a trial or update.

Lukas: It is the very purpose of "Run current script" to skip the command line.
Posted By: Emre

Re: W1192 : Unsupported feature - 08/03/10 11:03

Yes, you are right. i found the problem finally. i have downloaded "key8s.dta" file from here before. This file (not zip,"key8s.dta" itself) in my download folder with 7.86 setup file. Because of that when i install, key8s.dta file automatically comes in GStuido7 folder. I deleted "key8s.dta" from download folder, i realized there is no problem so. i just wanted to help, sorry about the mess.
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