Not enough virtual memory error

Posted By: Ruben

Not enough virtual memory error - 06/21/10 10:52

I am reading the WED Editor tutorial from the GS7 downloads page. I am currently reading the "Outside World I" section in the tutorial, and trying to complete the WED exercise. My level compiles and runs fine, until I try placing a dirt texture on the ground outside the house I made from the tutorial. When I try to build my level after placing a dirt texture on the ground, I get an error message saying:

ERROR: Not enough virtual memory.

Press any key...

Do I need to just try increasing the virtual memory on my computer, or is there another reason why this error shows?
Posted By: Quad

Re: Not enough virtual memory error - 06/21/10 11:21

post the screenshot of the settings of your map compiler?
Posted By: Muhsin

Re: Not enough virtual memory error - 06/21/10 11:23

I had the same problem one time. try to increase nexus in file->map properties. I increased mine to 200 and it worked.

- Muhsin Kaymak
Posted By: Truth

Re: Not enough virtual memory error - 06/21/10 11:39

I had the same problem, try closing the 3d view in wed and click compile, also turn down the lighting to low and/ or put Rad subdivision to 255.
Posted By: Ruben

Re: Not enough virtual memory error - 06/21/10 19:32

I tried doing what Muhsin and Truth said, but it still did not work.

Here are my map compiler settings:

Light Calculations: low quality
Warnings: quiet
CPUs to be used: 2
Detail faces: none
Zoom-level: 1
Max level size: 56000
Tesselate shaded: 236
Tesselate flat: auto
Tellelate turbulence: auto

Lightmap ambient: 50%
Lightmap gamma: 1.50
Phong min angle: 120
Light compress at: 50%
Light limiting at: 196
Light scale: 0.50
Rad. subdivision: 255
Rad. bouncing: 0
Lightmap resolution: 8.00

Close when done: unchecked
Write logfile: unchecked
Create Meshes: checked
Create PVS: unchecked

Don't snap vertices: checked
Merge across leafs: checked
Solid sky: checked
Invisible==None: unchecked

Terrain lighting: checked
Lit maps only: checked
Use Tesselation: checked

Fat Hull offsets: 64 48 8
Narrow Hull offsets: 32 32 0

Command-line options: 'blank'

Any help in getting rid of this virtual memory error will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Posted By: Ruben

Re: Not enough virtual memory error - 06/21/10 19:35

Sorry Quadraxas. I am using an iMac keyboard on the windows side of my iMac, and cannot seem to find a way of making a screenshot, so I posted my map compiler settings below.

I tried doing what Muhsin and Truth said, but it still did not work.

Here are my map compiler settings:

Light Calculations: low quality
Warnings: quiet
CPUs to be used: 2
Detail faces: none
Zoom-level: 1
Max level size: 56000
Tesselate shaded: 236
Tesselate flat: auto
Tellelate turbulence: auto

Lightmap ambient: 50%
Lightmap gamma: 1.50
Phong min angle: 120
Light compress at: 50%
Light limiting at: 196
Light scale: 0.50
Rad. subdivision: 255
Rad. bouncing: 0
Lightmap resolution: 8.00

Close when done: unchecked
Write logfile: unchecked
Create Meshes: checked
Create PVS: unchecked

Don't snap vertices: checked
Merge across leafs: checked
Solid sky: checked
Invisible==None: unchecked

Terrain lighting: checked
Lit maps only: checked
Use Tesselation: checked

Fat Hull offsets: 64 48 8
Narrow Hull offsets: 32 32 0

Command-line options: 'blank'

Any help in getting rid of this virtual memory error will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Posted By: Widi

Re: Not enough virtual memory error - 06/21/10 19:44

Tesselate flat: auto
Tellelate turbulence: auto

Try to set this NOT to auto...
Posted By: Quad

Re: Not enough virtual memory error - 06/21/10 20:03

thats not much related, try setting the lightmap resolution to "std" (middle)
Posted By: Ruben

Re: Not enough virtual memory error - 06/21/10 21:03

Thanks Quadraxas. It looks like it worked. Now my problem is trying to get the sun and light on the outside to work right, but you got me going in the right direction. Thanks again. smile
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