A question about RPG making

Posted By: Vilde

A question about RPG making - 07/29/08 20:11

Hey! I am new here and don't know much so please could someone answer a question.. I am making "RPG" and I don't have any actor for the main character or any else... Is it possible to make first the mapping and texture things and other models, and then the character (and test with some other char, and maybe use the same char to be the testing NPCs) and then later make the char and NPCs? It just takes much time from me to make the model (and I am really bad with the skin editor)... I have already done couple of textures and I thought it would be good to ask here as there are so many experienced (and nice) people.

Thanks. smile
Posted By: the_wizard

Re: A question about RPG making - 07/30/08 22:51

hey dude

Im new to using 3DGS to and it sounds like a good idea. go for it

(im bad at making models to, acctually im shit at doing any if it hahahahah)
Posted By: Vilde

Re: A question about RPG making - 07/30/08 23:29

I'm already planning the weapons etc. and making the weapon models and textures.. I am pretty good at making swords and other weapons but I'm rly bad making actors...
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: A question about RPG making - 07/31/08 01:50

a prototype character is not only something you can do, but something that is highly encouraged. Finishing the programming (or most of it) Is something that a lot of indie developers do because they dont have multiple workers for working on multiple parts at once. Also if you have a demo prototyped, and its good, there is a good chance you can recruit someone with a little experience at modeling that is interested in your project.
Posted By: Vilde

Re: A question about RPG making - 07/31/08 10:01

Well I got another question .. I was making some pieces of road in WED and export them as model files and then put into my level... The problem is here, when I import the model, it looks like this in WED:

BUt, When I test the level, it looks like this:

Something screwed with the textures? shocked

Is this shown in some tutorial maybe?

Posted By: lostclimate

Re: A question about RPG making - 08/03/08 03:40

that is odd...
Posted By: Kasey_Dee

Re: A question about RPG making - 08/03/08 17:52

Do not use block geometry Vilde. It takes longer to build and does not look as good as model geometry imho. Make the same thing in a modeler and bring it in textured.

I never use brushes / level geometry.
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