Is it possible to convert a model to .hmp?

Posted By: NITRO_2008

Is it possible to convert a model to .hmp? - 04/10/08 17:59

Does anyone know if it is possible to convert a model in .obj format to a terrain? Is there any workaround, jury rig, or otherwise method?
Posted By: Poison

Re: Is it possible to convert a model to .hmp? - 04/12/08 08:41

yes there is one^^.
in Med: Edit->Convert to terrain
Posted By: NITRO_2008

Re: Is it possible to convert a model to .hmp? - 04/12/08 11:53

DUH! Hello? Right in front of my face.

Thank you very much.

However, I keep getting the error message stating that it cannot convert my model to a terrain because it has no 'regular grid'. When I checked the manual it said to select all vertices and execute the merge command. I did this and it did not work.

Can you tell me why it will not convert? Is there a special number of vertices which is needed for models that will be converted?

What exactly is meant by 'no regular grid?'

It seems that no matter what I do I cannot get the converter to work.

I have tried merging vertices in my modeling software as well as in MED. I have tried quadrangulating the model as well as triangulating it. I have tried a few different models. I have opened .obj as well as converted with ventilators converter. Is there something I am doing wrong??
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Is it possible to convert a model to .hmp? - 04/12/08 12:22

Maybe, you have to save it as .mdl first and reload it into MED, don't know.

'Regular Grid' means that from the top view that the vertices should have an identical distance against their neighbours. Maybe, it has to in the uv-map, too.

You can experiment with a terrain made in MED, create it, convert it (Edit --> Convert To Model), change things, convert it to terrain again (Edit --> Convert To Terrain), to get an idea what MED tolerates and what it doesn't tolerate.
Posted By: NITRO_2008

Re: Is it possible to convert a model to .hmp? - 04/12/08 12:35

'Regular Grid' means that from the top view that the vertices should have an identical distance against their neighbours. Maybe, it has to in the uv-map, too.
Oh ok, now I know that.

In more experiemnts I was able to successfully convert a terrain which had much less polygons. My original model had around 10000 polies, so maybe that was my problem.

You can experiment with a terrain made in MED, create it, convert it (Edit --> Convert To Model), change things, convert it to terrain again (Edit --> Convert To Terrain), to get an idea what MED tolerates and what it doesn't tolerate.
I think that convert to terrain is a good functionality of MED so I hope that I can find out a way to make it work.

Thank you for the reply.
Posted By: Nems

Re: Is it possible to convert a model to .hmp? - 04/12/08 12:49

Sorry, its not possible if your model file doesnt match MEDs idea of a regular grid.
You can create a regular terrain, convrt it to mdl, move vertices only in the z axis then reconvert to terrain again but once you move vertices in y grid, youve lost the regular pattern.
This feature is usefull if you import a model terrain from another application then converted it terrain I think but its never worked for me for tests I made from model to terrain directly in MED.

Terrain files have precalculated collisions added to them and only the z axis is manipulable.
Posted By: NITRO_2008

Re: Is it possible to convert a model to .hmp? - 04/12/08 13:03

Terrain files have precalculated collisions added to them and only the z axis is manipulable.
Oh that must be why they must stay in a regular grid...because of the collision. I get it now. Well perhaps I can work around that as it is not too bad of a limitation.

Right now I am still trying to decide if I will use models or terrains for my game's environment. So there is a lot of trial and error(with mostly error )

Thanks a lot guys
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