Unsolved terrain problem

Posted By: Maxim

Unsolved terrain problem - 01/15/07 15:41

I've been tryin' to make a terrain for my racing game for two weeks for now...
I've read almost every single post concerning terrains, but none of them really cold solve my problem. Then i ran through all AUM's. the same...
My problem: i've learned to make terrains using hightmaps (i should really thank loopix for his great contributions), but when i tried to texture it, it looks horrible . In the topic about making terrains using Freeworld, i recieved some result in the editor itself but when converting to MED, terrain texture looked awful. The main reason is that MED doesn't support textures larger than 2048x2048 . Tried making using multitex shaders but my video card doesn't support Vert\PXL shaders 2.0. Anyway i want to create a game to comply with older cards. So Earthsculptor tutorial isn't good for me too.
Tried to break terrain in parts and texture each part in 2048x2048 texture. I got better results in texturing, but terrains differ one from another and dont fit. Tried making terrain in 3d max - the same problem... Pls tell me is there really a way out. I'm sorry if i missed something on this forum, or asking a silly question, but i really can't find an exit out of this...
The only thing i can think of is making terrains out of many parts and then spend a lot of time trying to make them fit with each other.
Posted By: Roel

Re: Unsolved terrain problem - 01/15/07 16:45

You can add a second skin that would be the detailmap
3dgamestudio automaticly uses this if it has no mipmaps(I thought)
maybe you should read the manual for more info
Posted By: alphaindigo

Re: Unsolved terrain problem - 01/15/07 16:51

its not a silly question although a multitexture shader is the best way to get a terrain to look great you could try making one big terrein and then breaking it up like you sugested. are you using a mdl terrain or is it hmp. and i dont know weather this hlps but you could try lookiong at detail textures or chunked terrain, this is what the manual has to say:
"Tiled detail textures for the second skin can be used to give huge terrains a high texture resolution. Different textures for patches of rock, grass, paths etc. can be mapped onto different parts of the terrain, using the standard multitexture terrain shader included in the template scripts."
Posted By: Maxim

Re: Unsolved terrain problem - 01/15/07 17:18

I've read about detailed map, (try to apply it even although haven't succeded in achieving any result yet), but, for example, my road would have to be detailed with one map, grass with another. Haven't met any multidetailed map related topics. BTW, i don't really want to use any template scripts, because i really need to understand how it works, before using it. Anyway, can a detail map solve all my problems, because the 2048x2048 tex map looks really bad.
Posted By: FixxeR

Re: Unsolved terrain problem - 01/16/07 06:08

Well, it can't really solve all your problems. Because, without terrain multitexturing, the built-in detail map system can only use one detail map per terrain. So maybe your best option is to use a large terrain of one type (grass, sand, etc) then add roads and such as blocks.

And doing a detail map is really simple, just add it as a second skin to your hmp.

Posted By: Willembg8

Re: Unsolved terrain problem - 01/16/07 12:35

Hi all!

How do you break terrains in parts? with many 'hollow block'?


Posted By: FixxeR

Re: Unsolved terrain problem - 01/16/07 16:44

No, you just create your final terrain out of many HMPs.

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