New Model Tutorial

Posted By: CreatorOfMyth

New Model Tutorial - 12/20/06 23:55

I heard that there was a competition to create a new Med tutorial for the manual. Umm... where can we get the winning entry? I'd really like to find a better tutorial on how to use Wed. No offense to the robot, but his like example in the manual is really way too basic...

Thanks again!
Posted By: CreatorOfMyth

Re: New Model Tutorial - 01/15/07 02:42

Is there any new word on better modeling tutorials?

Oh, and sry for double posting, but I just thought it'd be better than starting another new topic.
Posted By: alphaindigo

Re: New Model Tutorial - 01/15/07 17:00

abot the double posting .. try the edit button...

and use the searh function to find the thread that has the competition and ask there ... + you need to learn the basics before you can develop as a modeler .. most people dont use med though there are many great free modeling programs that can be imported and more comercial but th principle of modeling is the same no matter what program you use.. but i agre that the current med tutorial is out of date.. but thee are many others ohn the resources site .. dont let it seem like im just shouting at you its just a case of learning.
what did you want to know more about modeling with med?
Posted By: CreatorOfMyth

Re: New Model Tutorial - 01/17/07 19:58

To be honest, everything.

I'm looking for tutorials for a friend of mine - he's the "official" modeler for our project, but his progress has been painfully slow. Any resources at all would be greatly apperciated.

If I must be specific then I would say the bone system. Tutorials on how to create bones, animate, and use them in an actual game would be nice.
Posted By: demiGod

Re: New Model Tutorial - 01/17/07 21:23

My advice to you is: tell your friend to forget med and start learning a modeling program like Blender or Wings 3D, they are open source and can export to mdl format.
Posted By: CreatorOfMyth

Re: New Model Tutorial - 01/19/07 15:56

I see. Any other suggestion on programs? (not that I have anything against those ones, I just like to have options)

I'm looking for something the is easy to use but still has some real power to it. I'd also he really happy if it came with a good selection of learning resources, tutorials and such. As for price, I really don't care, I'm willing to role out just about anything.
Posted By: FixxeR

Re: New Model Tutorial - 01/21/07 08:21

Take a look at Milkshape 3D, it's very easy to learn but powerfull in the right hands. There are hundreds of tutorials for it, though you might have to search around for it. I use to run a resource site for it called, so you might go to some web archive sites and search for that.

Posted By: CreatorOfMyth

Re: New Model Tutorial - 01/28/07 02:17

Thanks, I will.
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