A7 Officially released?

Posted By: christian

A7 Officially released? - 07/14/07 00:36

Is A7 stable and in full release or is it still in Beta testing or pre-release? The forums seem to indicate that it is still in Beta testing and not everything is fuctional. The online store is only listing A7 versions but if you read the fine print it talks about A6 software with a future upgrade to A7 as it becomes available. So what do you get A6, or fully functional A7 with lite-c? I need to upgrade from extra to commercial and I want to upgrade to A7 but I do not see anywhere where it says there has been an official release. The announcment section in the forum talks about public beta. I have enough troubles without adding beta testing to my headaches
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: A7 Officially released? - 07/14/07 01:00

Yes, it's officially released. The announcment forum thread is the official one, and the demo is on the downloads page.
Posted By: christian

Re: A7 Officially released? - 07/14/07 05:19

Thanks Orange Brat.
So unless I hear otherwise from the head office A7 is fully functional with all the features listed on the spec sheet and reasonably bug free. I guess I do not have much choice really. I want to upgrade from extra to commercial and there does not seem to be an option for upgrading A6 extra to A6 commercial. Only upgrades possible are to A7.
Posted By: Tobias

Re: A7 Officially released? - 07/14/07 10:26

A7 commercial includes also A6 so you can still upgrade from A6 Extra to A6 commercial. But I would use A7 in you have both because everything that works in A6 also works in A7, plus the added A7 features.
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