C-Script Outdated in A7?

Posted By: MrCode

C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/19/07 03:52

Hi. This is a really crucial question that I've been asking myself (and half-answering with "No, of COURSE NOT! But then again..." ).

I've heard so much talk about this Lite-C business for A7. Is this going to be the primary scripting language, with C-Script being the underdog?

Please reply, because I'm still learning C-Script and I'm just getting the hang of it, and I don't want to have to learn an entirely new syntax.
Posted By: bstudio

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/19/07 06:14

Well, lite-c isn't a real big leap from c-script. It's also verry C like. So you'll get the hang of it in not time
Posted By: FoxHound

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/19/07 07:59

if you're getting A7 then I would got with lite-c, simply becasue it's not that much harder and will go a lot further if you want to code in langagues outside of 3dgs.
Posted By: tompo

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/19/07 08:57

Now is C-Script, in A7 will be Lite-C...
So in A8 will be full C++ ?!
Posted By: jcl

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/19/07 11:42

Yes, C-Script will finally become the "underdog" one day. However, there's a huge number of C-Scripts and C-Script projects, so A7 will fully support C-Script during its lifetime.
Posted By: zazang

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/19/07 15:10

So does that mean that C-script vars,functions like c_trace will
also be gone ?
Posted By: MrCode

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/19/07 21:56

@ jcl: Thanks, that's a huge relief.
Posted By: zazang

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/20/07 03:36

sorry to repost but does anyone know if C-script vars,functions like c_trace will
also be gone when Lite-C evolves ?
Posted By: Marcus729

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/20/07 03:58


I don't want to totally expound on this but to give you a brief look I have copied the example from the Lite-C part of the manual showing you the C_Trace command:

// test the floor texture
vec_set(temp, my.x);
temp.z -= 500; // trace downwards 500 quants below
// now TEX_NAME is set to the floor name below the MY entity
// look if the YOU enemy can be shot at from my position, and if yes, hurt him
// if entity YOU was visible from MY position, its SHOOT event was triggered

You really should get the Lite-C free version and tutorial and look through them.

I think this should give you a better idea of what Lite-C is all about. A brief summary is the C-Script vars and commands are available in Lite-C.

Lite-C adds more variable types, arrays, structures and access to other software (COM components). Many of these additional features can be left alone until you are more comfortable with Lite-C overall.

Then you can explore these additional capabilities as your needs and time allows.

Don't let the name and capabilities scare you un-necessarily. Whether you believe it or not if you have been using C-Script you have been programming. The routines you created in C-Script have their exact counter parts in Lite-C for the most part.

So take it slowly and give it a shot. George's workshops are a great place to start.

So go grab the free version and have at it. Remember its free, so what do you have to lose?

Posted By: zazang

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/20/07 04:44

Thanks Marcus but I have been programming and making a living out of this engine for the past 7 years
Thats why I am so bothered...I really love the engine functions
and I just wanna now if they will remain in lite-c or they will
phased out eventually !
Posted By: testDummy

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/20/07 05:45


C-Script Outdated in A7?

Did you really believe that C-Script was ever "in-dated"?

C-Lite Outdated in A10?

Did you really believe that C-Lite was ever...

Some of the C-Lite jazz, rumblings, etc. might be hype, marketing, silly user awe, 'beta-testing through the user-base', etc.
You should definitely enter a state of panic, streak through the streets, and scream in Japanese, "Run!!! C-Lite is coming!!! HELP!!! A memory leak ate my pet gerbil".
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/20/07 10:15

Will Lite-C support structs like C does?

And yes, like TestDummy I also fear memory leaks because of the heavy use of pointers and addresses in C.
Posted By: Damocles

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/20/07 10:22

Lite-C supports structs, which I am very havve about.
This is a huge advantage to current C-Script, as it allows
to store and use data much more efficiently.

In the end, Lite-C does not require a very high lerning cureve, if you come from C-Script.
Posted By: ventilator

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/20/07 10:28

you can use lite-c just like c-script if you want (big fixed size global arrays instead of malloc() and so on ). then you won't have memory leaks.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: C-Script Outdated in A7? - 04/20/07 10:51

Just another 2 questions:

Can a struct store a function (or a pointer to a function)?
If yes, then this could be a way to simulate some object oriented programming.

Will there be a tutorial for Lite-C (I mean the real Lite-C, not the c-script simulation of Lite-C)?
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