Gamestudio 7.04 released

Posted By: jcl

Gamestudio 7.04 released - 07/06/07 06:27

A new Gamestudio/A7 version is available for a public beta test:


You can install it either in your existing A7 folder, or in a new folder on your PC. It can be run without key; in this case it serves as a 30 days trial version. It will expire immediately though if you had installed another A7 version on your PC.

This patch contains the new features described under the beta link. Please report any bugs in the bug forum.

Please note that the new features of the map compiler, such as concave geometry and adjustable lightmap resolution, are still experimental.
Posted By: Grafton

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/06/07 06:30

Thanks, great to see these beta updates being released so frequently. You guys
must be working very hard!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/06/07 12:04

thx thats great.
Posted By: RedPhoenix

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/06/07 14:38

Which 7.04 version will it be? There are mentioned three at the beta page...

EDIT: Ok tested it, it's the latest A7.04.2.

Btw. The antialiasing looks very cool!!!
Posted By: oldschoolj

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 00:27

Where the heck is Wedb for the terrain editor, I have PRO 7.04 btw not 7.042

so i guess my questions are -
is wedb really labeled just plain wed, or is it seperate and if so where do i get that.

if people have 7.042 public then where do i get that.

if wedb is just plain wed, then how come i cannot wscope down to edit terrains...

thanks ICL
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 02:08

The ***b editors are only in the private beta.
Posted By: oldschoolj

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 05:52

ah, well I need to aply for that, I have Pro, and am using A7 for a retail project, where do I apply for access?
Posted By: RedPhoenix

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 09:51

Yeah you are right the wedB isn't there by now. But the other changes mentioned on the beta page are already there, so I assume it's A7.042
Posted By: Frits

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 11:11

The export panel from WED has a German text on the Cancel button;

Shot at 2007-07-07

First; can you describe all the checkboxes in the manual, now there is nothing in the manual?

Second; when I export block to MED all the textures in the WAD file are copied with it, not the only ones on the block. I don't think thats ok.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 16:40


thanks ICL

His name is JCL, not ICL
Posted By: sheefo

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 16:43

There seems to be a problem with A7.04, that wasn't in 7.03.

I have a function to render a textured quad on screen, but when I set the following:

d3dDevice->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_POINT);
d3dDevice->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_POINT);

The FILTER flags on all panels does not work. I know panels would use D3DTEXF_LINEAR or something, but why does it reset? It didn't in the last update.

Also, the mtlSkill1 in FX files doesn't not work anymore. I prefered using them instead of vecSkill41... can't they both be avaliable?
Posted By: RedPhoenix

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 17:05

I just tested multitextured terrain with A7.04 in comparison with A6.6...

I used a little 100*100vertex terrain with 512 texture size, and a great one with 500*500vertexes and 2048*2048 texture size. I had no fps changes (constantly 85) with A6.6 at both terrains (even with Normal- and Parallaxmapping applied to the multitextureshader there wasn't a fps change).

Now in A7.04 I get 45 fps with the little one and 23 fps with the large one!

I hope there is something wrong!?
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 20:37


ah, well I need to aply for that, I have Pro, and am using A7 for a retail project, where do I apply for access?

See the top of the beta page for details.

The private beta has both a release and private beta version of the editors, and the beta versions have the "b" on the end. The current private beta is 7.05, and the terrain editing features were added in the initial 7.04, so it should be included in this public beta given it's the 3rd iteration of 7.04. Select your terrain and "scope down."

EDIT: It's marked with an "X," so I guess it is only available in WEDb.
Posted By: oldschoolj

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/07/07 23:37

I am developing a product slated for release in the fall, and this is now my full time profession to which I take very seriously. Whom do I contact to have access to the bleeding edge betas. It is absolutely essential to the projects speedy release. New features such as physics, editing enhancments, and shader implentation will shave weeks of the development cycle. I have Pro.
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/08/07 01:28


I am developing a product slated for release in the fall, and this is now my full time profession to which I take very seriously. Whom do I contact to have access to the bleeding edge betas. It is absolutely essential to the projects speedy release. New features such as physics, editing enhancments, and shader implentation will shave weeks of the development cycle. I have Pro.

See the top of the beta page at the top or bottom of the forum for details. Also, see Forecast.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/09/07 11:38

Sheefo: Never assume anything about rendering states. Filters can be in any random state, so always set all your states that you need.

Redphoenix: A7 has a different renderer and thus gets a different frame rate, which however should be usually higher than in A6. If you think there's something wrong with the frame rates, you can contact the support - we'll then have a look at your level.
Posted By: Felixsg

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 released - 07/11/07 08:57

Is this the not beta, is the last version ?
I confused
Is have any change from the public beta?
or are still the public beta?
Posted By: Frederick_Lim

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 released - 07/11/07 10:47

I compare the public beta and released version, both files are identical.
Posted By: Arioch

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 released - 07/11/07 15:01

I'm unable to get any of the demos to run from SED. Tried the car and the shader as listed in the contents and keep coming up with an error. For example when i use the car main and run it in test/debug this is the errors that i get. compiling SPLITSCR WDL
< synonym first (>
SPLITSCR.WDL 25:0 (): parameter unknown symomym bad keyword in ()

<type entity,>
SPLITSCR.WDL 25:0 (): parameter unknown symomym bad keyword in ()

< synonym second (>
SPLITSCR.WDL 26:0 (): parameter unknown symomym bad keyword in ()

<type entity,>
SPLITSCR.WDL 26:0 (): parameter unknown symomym bad keyword in ()

anyone have any idea what's going on here? similar thing happens when i try the shader as well. I don't have to uninstall A6 in order to try the A7 demo
do i? Also have the free version of c-lite on here. Could this be causing confliction when i try to run the promgram in SED. And yes i'm using the SED in A7 not the one in A6.
Posted By: Tobias

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 released - 07/11/07 17:08

Hmmm, there is no demo "SPLITSCR.WDL" in A7 so whatever you downloaded was probably not A7?
Posted By: D3D

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 released - 07/11/07 19:49

Carlevel runs great here and so does the new Shadertest. You might have forgot to add which script to run in SED.
Posted By: RedPhoenix

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 released - 07/12/07 17:41

@jcl: I have sent my level and codes to the support.
Posted By: Arioch

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 released - 07/13/07 03:46

figured it out. even though i opened the wdl in sed i didn't it direct it to the correct files. The button that looks like a gear at the top. when i tried to run it it was looking for the old splisceen from an old aum file i was playing with on a6. thanks for the help though.
Posted By: Raven75

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/27/07 07:50

I have Cybex A7 Extra 7.01 it is possible to update to newer version? because Cybex donīt have a password and username, wed say just it is registered to cybex. And another Question it is possble to upgrade from Cybex Extra to comercial?

Posted By: Tobias

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/27/07 08:11

I don't know if you can update Sybex to 7.04 (I don't think) but I know for sure you can buy an upgrade from Sybex A7 to A7 Commercial in the webstore.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/27/07 12:59

hi raven75,
yes you can upgrade from Sybex A7 Extra to Commercial, but it isnīt possible to update a sybex edition. I had the same problem with the sybex A6 extra edition, so I decided to update to A6 commercial. Tobias already said it and I think heīs right, too.

Posted By: Raven75

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 07/27/07 13:17

tnx, however for learning it is enough i think. when i will need some features i will upgrade to an higher edition. I hope 7.01 isnt too bugy. nevertheless it was a good deal, bought it new at Amazon german for 15Euro, now it cost 99Euro
Posted By: sheefo

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 08/07/07 14:40

I think I found a possible bug!

Using 'continue' in a for loop should terminate the current iteration and jump to it's increment expression, but it does not. I don't know if this is a bug, but I know it's a pain in the ass.
In C and C++ it does, so I'll put my money on this being a bug.
Posted By: Edgecrusher

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 08/07/07 15:18

Different qustion

How long does it usually take for an order (chose wire-transfer, picked the German accoutn because it is the closest to austria) to process? Purchased the A7 upgrade at around 4 in the morning

Thanks in advance
Posted By: Slin

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 08/07/07 19:42


Different qustion

How long does it usually take for an order (chose wire-transfer, picked the German accoutn because it is the closest to austria) to process? Purchased the A7 upgrade at around 4 in the morning

Thanks in advance

For me (from within germany) it took about 3 days after I sent the money with wire transfer until I got the key to update via email.
Posted By: rvL_eXile

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 08/08/07 23:39

It tooks 2 Days for me
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 08/09/07 19:05

i`m not to sure were to ask this so i figured i`d ask here, is it possible to upgrade from a6 commercial to a7 pro for the upgrade price of $299, or do i have just the option of upgradeing to the commercial version of a7?
Posted By: Jason Bryant

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 08/09/07 19:47

A6 commercial to A7 commercial is $99.00
A6 commercial to A7 pro is $799.00

Shop Link:
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 08/09/07 22:49

Browse eBay and keep an eye on threads dedicated to selling Pro licenses on this forum. I was able to snag an A6 Pro for $300 on Ebay (advertised on here) and upgraded to A7 Pro for $299 which was a few hundred in savings. Make sure the person you are buying the license from is the ORIGINAL owner. A license can only be transfered once.
Posted By: D3D

Re: Gamestudio 7.04 public beta - 08/10/07 14:56

I'm keeping my eyes open for someone that sell his/her A7 Pro for $300USD
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