Animated ragdoll?

Posted By: Random

Animated ragdoll? - 11/02/13 21:02


I was just wondering, if you could achive this by animating and moving a ragdoll.
Posted By: Feindbild

Re: Animated ragdoll? - 11/03/13 12:17

jcl made a lengthy post somewhere about why you shouldn't use the PhysX system for character controllers, I just can't find it right now.
Which effect do you want to replicate?
Posted By: Random

Re: Animated ragdoll? - 11/03/13 13:37

So, how could this be done?
Posted By: Random

Re: Animated ragdoll? - 11/03/13 14:09

Maby the left and right foot has each a trace on the bottom which forces the foot to to be placed on each obsical?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Animated ragdoll? - 11/03/13 16:19

Do you want the foot placement to adjust to the slope and stuff or to kick the boxes around or both?

It seems to me that if knew the next step (like place a normal aligned invisible footprint there) then you could use a code-routine to animation a bone structure. I've been think about that since seeing the Unity demo with walking control like this. Since bones are 100% script control able can't you write a system that works to move the character from target a to target b instead of just replaying prerecorded motions? Or use to prerecorded as a base and the use script to adjust the motion to the actual target b?

Kicking the box-> is it effective and speed friendly to c_trace from the foot a short distance -> detect the box about to be touched -> ent_create and invisible box and make it a physic object and assign it the speed and direction of the foot. Then remove after a little contact with the box. kinda like a slow physics bullet the bets the foot to the box. EDIT-> If the collision hull of the character doesn't extend below the weast then the foot should be passable and with timing the physics bullet could hit before/prefect or late. So I'm thinking you will have to check the dist traveled of the bullet and foot each frame and adjust the bullet to best sync with the foot.

EDIT ALSO-> Or could you just make invisible physics boxes around the player's foot the you code to always try and stay with the foot?
Posted By: Ch40zzC0d3r

Re: Animated ragdoll? - 11/03/13 17:47

Kicking the boxes with the animation is very easy, just make 2 boxes, stick them to the foot and knee bones and the rest is done from the animation. (If you use physx)
The bone adjustment on different heights should be a bit harder though, you need to get the ground rotation with hit.nx & vec_to_angle, then you have to write a function which adjusts the bones to every given angle, so you have to make some formulas.
Posted By: Random

Re: Animated ragdoll? - 11/03/13 18:59

That makes sense.
As soon as I have something, I will post it.
Posted By: rojart

Re: Animated ragdoll? - 11/16/13 15:56

In my spare time i'll make a small example, maybe end of December.
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