Some questions about regions

Posted By: Rackscha

Some questions about regions - 10/16/13 13:26

I have some questions about regions(A8-Com):

As i can not disable a region manually(pro only :(), under which circumstances does the engine clip them?

Does it save some clipping time when the Engine frustrum-culls a Region, or is this already mostly compensated by ABT?

In other engines it is possible to have a region only visible, when you are inside the region or looking from another specified region through a portal into the region.

Is such a setup possible too?
Let's say i have a room in a manually created Level. This room has only one Door. The region has the size of the room.

Is it possible that the region is only visible when i am in the region or looking through the doorframe?(manually disabling it, is quite handy here, but not possible -.-)
Posted By: Superku

Re: Some questions about regions - 10/16/13 13:33

Are you asking if you can imitate the behavior of region_set?
Posted By: Rackscha

Re: Some questions about regions - 10/16/13 13:34

I am asking about the general behaviour of regions in a Non-Pro environment. usually regions can work like i described above, in other engines.
Posted By: painkiller

Re: Some questions about regions - 10/16/13 13:54

you could do a for loop each frame wich sets invisible all the entities with a different region than where the player is, and keeps visible only the ones within the same region
Posted By: Kartoffel

Re: Some questions about regions - 10/16/13 13:59

regarding to painkiller's suggestion using a material event might be faster than a loop.
Posted By: Rackscha

Re: Some questions about regions - 10/16/13 14:25

SO in short:
Regions in A8 Comercial are USELESS, as they do not introduce any automatism?.

What is about the clipping:
Is Region-COntent clipped, when the region is not within the View-Frustrum(So it does not have to walk down the abt to check each leaf), or is the Region ignored for ABT clipping?
Posted By: Superku

Re: Some questions about regions - 10/16/13 15:31

Regions in versions below Pro can be used for triggers, spawning positions and the like (that's what I'm doing in Superku, too).

I bet they are still used for the rendering, too, even without Pro. You could probably test this in a level with some thousand entities.
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