switching screen resolution

Posted By: Stelynn

switching screen resolution - 11/06/04 11:48

Can anyone tell me why the video screen breaks up and allows the windows background to come through on resloution changes in game. I am trying to make up a single resolution menu system but when switching back and forth between resolutions the screen breaks up instead of keeping the black background I want during the changes.
Posted By: b_102373

Re: switching screen resolution - 11/06/04 15:28

I think this happens with every program. It might be your computer though. It hasnt happened to me from what I recall.
Posted By: Jamie_Lynn

Re: switching screen resolution - 01/15/05 11:36

I am adding to this thread because I am now experiencing the same problem only worse than describe here.

When I am in fullscreen mode and I use the F5 _toggle_video function provided in MENU.WDL any resolution other than the one I started the level with, displays incorrectly. I get double images, I can see the sky cube through walls (level geometry walls that are not transparent). The entire image is breaking up. Switching video resolution when the level is running in a window works fine.

This started to happen when I upgraded to the lastest video driver for the GeForce4 card (this divers supports Directx 9c).

I am running...
Microsoft Windows Me (4.90 Build 3000)
MSAA20_rdk V2.0
Directx 9.0c (
nvdisp.drv (4.14.00010.6694) <---new driver.
GeForce4 Mx 440
3dgs V6.31.4

I used to be running nvdisp.drv 4.14.0010.5304.
With this older driver the video switching worked with both 3dgs 6.22 and with 3dgs 6.31.4 (which is the version I am currently running).

I have since backed out the 6694 version of the video driver and reinstalled the older 5304 driver and the video switch in full screen works ok again.

Is anyone else out there running this driver and experiencing this problem?
BTW: I believe the 66.94 version of this driver is officical whql (it is not a beta)
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