Accessing properties of structs defined within structs (SOLVED

Posted By: deianthropus

Accessing properties of structs defined within structs (SOLVED - 07/27/10 06:13

I figured it out: i just need to define the instance of the struct I want to use as a member of the other struct, and use the -> operator to distinguish which object I am extracting which property from...

[original question] When defining one struct as a pointer within another, how does one assign values to the variables and pointers within the child struct? The manual suggests I can use pointers to structs when defining structs.

typedef struct {
var a;
var b;
var c;

typedef struct {
struct CHILD* ch_struct; //the manual suggests I can do this

PARENT parent_struct {
//can I set ch_struct.a here? Or does ch_struct already need to be defined?

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