Server Question

Posted By: Holy_Knight

Server Question - 02/15/04 00:08

Hey probly asked alot. But I like to know some things on servers and zones.

I hear with game stuidio 20 per zone is near the lim that seems a little low is that 20 in one area? as having cliping where players see so far around them that other players in the same zone don't show up will that allow more?

I will need about 60 per zone maby more in towns where lag is to be expected but battles and spell effects arn't.

Also can I host more than one zone per server? or is a differn't server all together needed to host each zone. I hear DAOC uses 6 per game server and soft caps at 3000 so I should be able to run 500-750 off of 1 no?

So you know I plain on using commercial to program it but swith to pro witch I hear the only dif is the command that allows you to switch zones and servers.
Also the I am trying to have all the str, dex, ect run off of the home CPU as well as formulating damage and the server getting damage value when needed. The only info needed to go from home CPU to home CPU is location,apperance of each,and hp should they be targeted. as well as chat text ,combat animations, and of course spell effects.

Also will GS run under JAVA or do I need to search for more server host? I havn't started with GS really as its online abilities will make up my mind. I do know it is C+ ,or C++ as I have worked with the trial version and like what I see so far.
Posted By: CBuilder2

Re: Server Question - 02/15/04 04:48



Also will GS run under JAVA or do I need to search for more server host? I havn't started with GS really as its online abilities will make up my mind. I do know it is C+ ,or C++ as I have worked with the trial version and like what I see so far.

Java is simply a programming language with a virtual machine; it is not an operating system. If you are asking if GS will run on Linux, it may run on Lindows or other flavors of Linux via emulation. However, I'm not sure how this will effect the game execution speed. Finally, I'm not aware of Conitec supporting Linux at this time.


Posted By: Holy_Knight

Re: Server Question - 02/17/04 18:29

K so I need to find a differnt server. Oh well I have time. Thanx. Still wondering about how clip planes would help with amount of players per zone as well as if more than one zone can be ran on the same server any Ideas? I know I got alot of work before my game is up but this info will help in my planning.

Thanks for any help you can give.
Posted By: Virtual_User

Re: Server Question - 03/04/04 02:58

Answer to many of your questions can be found on this thread:

If not you can search for many great discussions on this forum for Multi Player topics. There are many people working on vast projects, tutorials, white pages, documents, how-tos, etc. all about Multi Player.

Good Luck!
Posted By: Virtual_User

Re: Server Question - 03/04/04 03:44


Still wondering about how clip planes would help with amount of players per zone as well as if more than one zone can be ran on the same server any Ideas?

I don't think simple clipping is going to help you with your zone overhead. clipping works on the rendered scene... not the network information for each player in a zone. You will need to create your own network code to handle delivery of user information to specific clients to achieve what you are talking about. This can be done in c-script.

Good Luck!
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