Glowing textures

Posted By: cbw

Glowing textures - 04/09/02 00:44

Been a long time since I've been here [Smile]
Does anybody know if there is a way, if a texture is present on the level geometry, to give it a glowing effect?

Sorta like this (green stripes):

It's a Unreal Tournament picture and I have a really cool idea how to use this effect. I just don't know how to accomplish it. Any help is appreciated.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Glowing textures - 04/09/02 01:38

One possibility would be to have an animated texture but since A5 is not too great on that I would prefer the second method:
First create the parts you want to glow and build it as an entity map. Place it into your level and write a little action that sets LIGHTRANGE to 0 and sets the entity's LIGHT flag. Then use a loop to have the GREEN or whatever value counted up and down. For bigger parts you should maybe place invisible blocks so that the collision detection works fine.
Posted By: cbw

Re: Glowing textures - 04/09/02 02:07

The problem is I tried with the map entity once before and just had light comming from the origin of the object. It looked pretty bad, my theory was, I know you can change the sound of footsteps based off of texture, is there a way so that a texture can emit light using the same priciples? Basically I'm looking for a script to dodge making all those different entities. Every level will have some type of glowing area to it, but they are all different shapes and sizes.
Posted By: tesanders

Re: Glowing textures - 04/09/02 04:17

I'm not familiar with that UT level, but how about using a map entity with a single green texture, an albedo of 0, and an 'ambient' value that ranges from 0 to 100?

action my_band {

while(1) {

Posted By: cbw

Re: Glowing textures - 04/09/02 04:26

Allright, I'm gonna have to try map entites I guess, but I'm gonna keep this thread open just in case someone can figure it out. Thanks for the help anyway [Wink]
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Glowing textures - 04/09/02 05:01

If you mean the shining part in front of the light
they used sprites there.Put a Sprite on every site of the light(hey that's a rhyme [Big Grin] ).Don`t forget, the colours of the sprite must have a
soft passage from black to the colour x(white green whatever you want).Hope I could help a little bit.
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