server question.

Posted By: Aaron

server question. - 02/11/07 21:53

Hi I am just woundering if 3dgs has a server build in the engine or would you have to have your own server and use some sort of database for the online game.

Like I want to make a online mode with at least 50 players max I made a city level and want it to be online by making a menu before you connect to the server where you select speed modem ect and also input a login username and password where my server would check the password and user name if it's legit, then it would connect the person to the server where takes you to a menu like area where it has your profile sutff and then your 3d model meaning player model where you can select your own model to be played in the game and then select a level map to play on. Then during connection I want to diplay loading messages and a loading bar during connection to the server ect.

In multi-player games how could I make a a chat script in a way, like I have a 3d model of a labtop and in order to chat with other users you have to have a labtop in the game or a cell phone in the game in order to talk to other users but in order to talk to other users they also have to have a labtop or a cellphone in order to communicate. Makes the game more fun when 2 teams battle becuse the cellphones could get blown up and would results in no communication with the team.

any ideas would be great.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: server question. - 02/14/07 02:57

Your own - I know, it's unfortunate for beginners, but excellent for advanced users.

BTW: Requires Pro version (unless you want ~4 players). You will have to find a database plugin and port it through c-script (check out the user-contributions for mysql).
Posted By: PrenceOfDarkness

Re: server question. - 02/14/07 03:16

The knocking out communication is an idea I shared also, then like a moron i realized something that made it all pointless.. it's called skype or any of those chat based programs lol...
Posted By: D3D

Re: server question. - 02/15/07 19:07

Posted By: Aaron

Re: server question. - 02/20/07 01:46

well I am trying to make achat script well 2 3d models on a cell phone and one a labtop the cellphone when bought from a store in the online game city this is not with real money just game money, the cellphone would enable chating using a microphone when the 3d model uses the cellphone I want it so when the person talks the mought of the model moves ect and the voice of the person would been played where his player is so like any other teams are near him can hear him talking on the cellphone, the labtop if bought would enable a chat console on the bottom where you can type in text and then send it to your team mates that have a labtop too in the online game, in order for the players to communicate with each other they all have to have a cellphone or a labtop, the cellphone is only people can talk to other people that have a cellphone in the online game but they can't communicat with people that only have labtops their 2 different ways on comiunication, and also they can text talk to anyone that their near or by where they press a button when near the person in order to send text message.
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